Dear Colleagues, On behalf of Andy Linton, Policy SIG chair, I would like to inform you that the final comment period of prop-105-v002 has ended as follows. ____________________________________________________________________ prop-105-v002: Distribution of returned IPv4 address blocks _____________________________________________________________________ Dear colleagues The eight-week final comment period for the proposal 'Distribution of returned IPv4 address blocks (Modification of prop-088)' has ended. During the comment period there were no objections raised to the proposal. The Chairs therefore deem that consensus has been maintained on the proposal. We formally request that the APNIC Executive Council endorse this proposal. For a detailed history of this proposal see: Regards APNIC Policy SIG Chairs Andy, Masato -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prop-105-v002: Distribution of returned IPv4 address blocks (Modification of prop-088) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Tomohiro Fujisaki fujisaki at syce dot net JP IPv4 address allocation discussion team 1. Introduction --------------------- After the final /8 policy is implemented, IPv4 address blocks received by APNIC are handled as being part of the final /8 pool and to redistribute these resources according to the final /8 policy (prop-088). This policy proposes to define a separate distribution policy for all non-103 IPv4 address blocks in the APNIC pool, to start the distributions once "Global policy for post exhaustion IPv4 allocation mechanisms by the IANA" is activated. 2. Summary ----------------- While rapid implementation of IPv6 is in progress throughout the APNIC region, demands for IPv4 address still continue. In May 2012, the global policy (Global Policy for Post Exhaustion: IPv4 Allocation Mechanisms by the IANA) was ratified by ICANN board, and it will be implemented soon. Based on this policy, IPv4 address space returned to IANA will be distributed to RIRs, and its size is not expected to be so large but substantial enough to be able to consider an additional minimum allocation for APNIC members. APNIC is expected to have 6,917,683 (over /10) IPv4 addresses in its pool once the Global Policy is activated, as an re-allocation from IANA and IPv4 address space directly returned to APNIC from its members. Currently, these address blocks will be added to the reserve for distributions according to the final /8 policy, in addition to 103/8 block already reserved for the purpose. Therefore, even if additional blocks are added in APNIC's pool while reserves remain in the 103/8 block range, it is reserved for distribution under the final /8 policy. We propose to distribute this newly received address block and address blocks returned to APNIC to APNIC account holders. According to our survey conducted to the APNIC community, over 70% of the respondents expressed the needs to receive IPv4 address space, if a separate distribution policy is defined from the final /8 policy. 3. Situation in other RIRs ----------------------------------- ARIN: no final /8 like policy. RIPE-NCC: similar /8 policy. 4. Details ------------- Modify prop-088 to distribute non-103 IPv4 address blocks to APNIC account holders who meet the IPv4 distribution criteria define in APNIC policies. If APNIC account holder, who was allocated an /22 from the final /8 pool, needs an additional IPv4 address block, they are eligible to receive another distribution of IPv4 block. The same policy as the final /8 policy will be applied in terms of the criteria and the size of the distribution given the requestor has utilized a total of /22 block from 103/8. This policy will be effective after allocation of returned IPv4 address blocks from IANA, based on "Global policy for post exhaustion IPv4 allocation mechanisms by the IANA". The distribution policy for 103/8 block will remain unchanged, based on the final /8 policy. - Address size Consideration The current IPv4 Address size recovered by IANA from RIRs is 18,204,416. If this is equally distribute to 5 RIRs, APNIC is expected to receive 3,640,883 after the global policy is activated. APNIC also has a pool recovered directly from its account holders, with the total of 50 x 16s (max)*. By adding them up, APNIC is estimated to have 6,917,683 (over /10) IPv4 address after global policy will be activated. * Address blocks in ERX range need some coordination to distribute. APNIC has about 3,800 members, and about 4,800 members if NIR members is included. We can now distribute about 1,441 IPv4 address to all 4,000 members, which is over /22. From the current final /8 address distribution trends, it will allow all LIRs who have received 103/22 to receive an additional /22 under this policy from the above IPv4 address pool (6,917,683) until 2017-2018. - Subsequent IPv4 address re-allocated from IANA/returned to APNIC from its account holders If there are subsequent IPv4 address as described above, such IPv4 address space will be pooled until: - Total IPv4 address size in APNIC pool will reach enough size which can distribute the maximum distribution size at at time (currently, /22 to a member) to all APNIC members. - After the APNIC pool reaches the size sufficient to distribute to all APNIC members at that point in time, additional IPv4 address distribution will start from that pool. Reference IANA pool size: 5. Pros/Cons ----------------- Advantages: Able to utilize non-103/8 address pool in APNIC for immediate distribution, instead of keeping as a reserve, in addition to 103/8. Disadvantages: Some may feel the concern that adopting this policy discourages IPv6 deployment in the APNIC region. However, according to our survey, majority of the respondents responded revising the policy does not impact their IPv6 deployment plan. 6. Effect on APNIC -------------------------- APNIC account holders can obtain one more IPv4 block of minimum allocation size as the upper limit (currently /22). 7. Effect on NIRs ----------------------- NIRs can choose whether to implement this policy or not.