Re: [sig-policy] [Sig-policy-chair] prop-107 final 8 week comment period
There only a few days left of the 8-week comment period.
Remember the deadline for comments: 24:00 (UTC+10) Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Andy and Masato
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 1:40 PM, Andy Linton <asjl at lpnz dot org> wrote:
> I'd like to remind you that we're half way through the 8-week comment period.
> Remember the deadline for comments: 24:00 (UTC+10) Wednesday, 6 November 2013
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Andy Linton <asjl at lpnz dot org> wrote:
>> Dear colleagues
>> prop-107 AS number transfer policy proposal, reached consensus at the
>> APNIC 36 Policy SIG and later at the APNIC Member Meeting.
>> This proposal will now move to the next step in the APNIC Policy
>> Development Process and is being returned to the Policy SIG mailing list
>> for the final 8-week comment period.
>> At the end of this period the Policy SIG Chairs will evaluate comments
>> made and determine if the consensus reached at APNIC 36 still holds.
>> If consensus holds, the Chairs of the Policy SIG will ask the Executive
>> Council to endorse the proposal for implementation.
>> - Send all comments and questions to: <sig-policy at apnic dot net>
>> - Deadline for comments: 24:00 (UTC+10) Wednesday, 6 November 2013
>> Proposal details
>> ----------------
>> This policy would permit the transfer of Autonomous System Numbers
>> (ASNs) within the APNIC region and between regions with compatible
>> inter-regional ASN transfer policies.
>> Proposal details, including the full text of the proposal, history, and
>> links to the APNIC 36 meeting archive, are available at:
>> Regards
>> Andy and Masato
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> prop-107-v001: AS number transfer policy proposal
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Author: Tomohiro Fujisaki <fujisaki at syce dot net>
>> 1. Problem statement
>> --------------------
>> In the APNIC region, IPv4 transfer policy has been implemented since
>> February 2010.
>> On the other hand, there is no transfer policy for AS numbers, while
>> some demands for transfers of AS numbers between AS number holders are
>> have been observed through individual feedback to the proposal author.
>> - There are a few requests to transfer the AS number with IPv4 address
>> at the same time. However, currently, AS numbers are not able
>> transfer under the transfer policy and only under M&A.
>> - Currently, there is no policy for transfers of AS numbers between
>> RIRs. M&A policy allows transfers of AS number only within the same
>> RIR region. However, there are expected to be some cases where
>> organizations wish to transfer both IPv4 address and AS number at the
>> same time to an LIR in other RIR region.
>> - AS number is also limited resource, and it is meaningful to promote
>> efficient use with transfer policy.
>> 2. Objective of policy change
>> -----------------------------
>> The objective of this proposal is to allow transfer of AS numbers
>> between organizations in the APNIC region, as well as with members of
>> other RIRs, if a counterpart RIR has adopted an equivalent transfer
>> policy for AS numbers.
>> 3. Situation in other regions
>> -----------------------------
>> Intra-region transfer policy:
>> ARIN:
>> There is a AS number transfer policy in the ARIN region.
>> No other RIRs implement AS number transfer policy.
>> Inter-RIR transfer policy:
>> ARIN:
>> There was a Recommended Draft Policy ARIN-2013-1 which allows Inter-RIR
>> ASN transfers, but it was abandoned by ARIN AC in June 2013.
>> (see
>> ARIN AC said the reason as follows in their statements; (see
>> "Based on the feedback received at the ARIN 31 Public Policy Meeting,
>> and at the Public Policy Consultation at NANOG 58, the ARIN AC voted
>> to abandon ARIN-2013-1 "Section 8.4 Inter-RIR Transfers of ASNs". The
>> feedback from the community indicated that many people felt the policy
>> was unnecessary as it would have no effect until/unless another RIR
>> expresses interest in allowing Inter-RIR ASN transfers as well.
>> 4. Proposed policy solution
>> ----------------------------
>> AS numbers may be transferred if recipient of the transfer will meets
>> the criteria under the current APNIC policy for an assignment of AS
>> numbers.
>> Inter-regional AS number transfers may take place only via RIRs who
>> agree to the transfer and share reciprocal, compatible, needs-based
>> policies.
>> 5. Explain the advantages of the proposal
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Just like IPv4 addresses, AS numbers are finite resource. This proposal
>> promotes efficient use of AS numbers by allowing transfers of AS
>> numbers, which is no longer needed by the existing holders.
>> 6. Explain the disadvantages of the proposal
>> --------------------------------------------
>> No disadvantages.
>> 7. Impact on resource holders
>> -----------------------------
>> NIRs are able to choose whether or not to implement this policy.
>> 8. References (if required)
>> ---------------------------
>> ARIN's AS number transfer policy: