Re: [sig-policy] New Proposal prop-137-v001: IPv6 assignment for associate members
Our position is neutral. At the point of promoting IPv6 deployment, we support this. But,
When "Go IPv6" criteria (it probably means 9.2.1. in policy document) was implemented,
we were expecting to use IPv6 in an IPv4 network.
This proposal is different from above assumption, so it feels little strange.
In addition to this, we feel that small assignment tend to obscure the resource holder to which prefix is assigned. It is necessary to properly grasp them.
On 2021/08/13 8:56, Bertrand Cherrier wrote:
Dear SIG members,
The proposal "prop-137-v001: IPv6 assignment for associate members"
has been sent to the Policy SIG for review.
It will be presented at the Open Policy Meeting (OPM) at APNIC 52
on Thursday, 16 September 2021.
We invite you to review and comment on the proposal on the mailing
list before the OPM.
The comment period on the mailing list before the OPM is an important
part of the Policy Development Process (PDP). We encourage you to
express your views on the proposal:
- Do you support or oppose this proposal?
- Does this proposal solve a problem you are experiencing? If so,
tell the community about your situation.
- Do you see any disadvantages in this proposal?
- Is there anything in the proposal that is not clear?
- What changes could be made to this proposal to make it more effective?
Information about this proposal is appended below and also available at:
Bertrand and Ching-Heng
APNIC Policy SIG Chairs
prop-137-v001: IPv6 assignment for associate members
Proposer: Aftab Siddiqui (
1. Problem statement
The first tier of membership in APNIC is "Associate". As per APNIC-121 Section 2.1 and 2.2, the Associate members do not receive any address space (IPv4 or IPv6). In order to be eligible for IPv6 assignment APNIC Members that have been delegated an IPv4 address block from APNIC, but have no IPv6 space, instantly qualify for an appropriately sized IPv6 block without any restriction. If you have no IPv4 delegation and only requesting IPv6 assignment then as per APNIC-127 section 10.1.4 "Requests for Provider Independent assignments must include a detailed plan of intended usage of the proposed address block over at least the 12 months following the allocation". The minimum size of the assignment is a /48 and requires annual fees of AUD 1,180 as per HD ratio.
In the IPv4 exhaustion world, this policy limits anyone who wants to only use IPv6 provider independent assignment for personal use as it doesn't incentivise IPv6 assignment only. The same fees and justification is applied to receive /24 IPv4 + /48 IPv6 address space.
This is perceived as a clear barrier to deploy IPv6. This policy proposal addresses that barrier aims to solve this problem by means of providing a Provider Independent assignment to Associate members.
2. Objective of policy change
Provide an incentive to small enterprises and academia/researchers to receive IPv6 assignment.
3. Situation in other regions
RIPE NCC: IPv6 PI can be sponsored by an LIR (EUR 50/yr)
ARIN: As an end-user IPv6 only can be requested following certain criteria
AFRINIC: Must not be an LIR
LACNIC: Not been an LIR or ISP, submit addressing plans for at least a year
Section 3.4.3 - END USERS
4. Proposed policy solution
Remove APNIC-114 "APNIC guidelines for IPv6 allocation and assignment requests" requirement for initial IPv6 provider independent assignment as per APNIC-127 Section 10.1.4.
Use the same "Go IPv6" criteria and enable "Get IPv6 Addresses Now" options for Associate members with the restrictions that the Provider Independent assignment cannot be further assigned to other organisations.
The Associate member MUST agree to use and announce the IPv6 provider independent address space within twelve (12) months. After that period, if not announced or APNIC host masters believe that it is not in use then the assigned IPv6 address space should be reclaimed and returned to the free pool.
Note: This is outside the scope of the policy proposal, therefore requesting APNIC EC to consider that only Associate membership fees should be applied to initial IPv6 provider independent assignment of /48 only.
5. Advantages / Disadvantages
This will give incentive to those small enterprises and academics willing to use their own IPv6 addresses but not in a position to be a very small tier member.
- This might slightly increase over head for host masters.
- The possible effect of this proposal is the growth of the global routing table
6. Impact on resource holders
No impact on existing resource holders.
7. References
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