[sig-policy] Withdrawn - prop-076: Requiring aggregation for IPv6 subseq
prop-076: Requiring aggregation for IPv6 subsequent allocations
Dear Colleagues,
The proposal, 'Requiring aggregation for IPv6 subsequent allocations'
has been withdrawn by the proposal's authors.
Following feedback received at APNIC 28, the authors drafted a new
proposal that removes the aggregation criteria for IPv6 initial
allocations. The new proposal will be presented at APNIC 29 as prop-082,
'Removing aggregation criteria for IPv6 initial allocations'.
prop-076 details
This was a proposal to make it a condition that LIRs aggregate
subsequent IPv6 allocations that they receive from APNIC.
Proposal details including the full text of the proposal, presentation,
links to relevant meeting archives, and links to mailing list
discussions are available at:
Randy, Ching-Heng, and Terence