Re: [sig-policy] prop-081: Eligibility for assignments from the final /8
On 08/02/2010, at 5:15 PM, Terence Zhang YH(CNNIC) wrote:
> Please see our comments below:
>> sure. But is it necessary to take that into the final /8? While I do not have a crystal ball
>> I see very little benefit to anyone in breaking down the last /8 into small chunks for whatever reason.
>> I think it just serves to confuse on several layers.
> I really can't take the credit for breaking down the last /8 into small chunks,
> it's the idea of the final /8 policy so that my grand children might as well
> be benefit from a little v4 address.
> As for the /24 assignment, it's the current policy specified minumum assignment size.
> We are doing that assignment right now, are you suggesting we have much
> serious aggregation needs in the final /8 block?
The policy as written says /22. I personally would loath /24s or anything smaller being created by policy for this. There is no need.
>> it's not about "extra", it's the last /8 - we should be making less ipv4 work and pushing ipv6.
> I suppose the whole final /8 is intend to help with IPv4 to IPv6 transition, that's why prop-078
> is proposing adding IPv6 deployment criteria for final /8 delegations. So the objective is also
> helping IPv6, the way to IPv6 is transition not revolution.
The policy as it stands does this. Adding extra work for the secretariat in allowing smaller allocations assignments is simply more ipv4 work.
> As well as the LIRs, those Small multihoming or IXP organizations may also need the
> IPv4 addresses delegation from the final /8 for transition or other purposes the
> final /8 policy permits.
>> will actually require address space under the last /8 policy? are they that shortsighted to fall into this category? really? I don't buy it.
> So, which one do you assume not require IPv4 address in the last /8?
Glibly, all of them, and any of that list who does, should probably no longer be considered Critical infrastructure.
>> lastly, small multi-homers (who already have LIR space). Shouldn't we suggest that they head to v6 over trying to multi-home in v4?
>> and if we do foster /24s in the last /8 all I see is a marshland of prefix lengths, given conservation is then moot (nothing left to conserve)
>> wouldn't aggregation be the next best ideal to follow?
> We will be in the final /8 stage 2 or 3 years from now, even if we have great
> development in IPv6 during these few years, legacy IPv4 network will remain
> co-existence with IPv6 for many years. There for the needs for multi-home
> in v4 will remain applicable just as now.
This sounds like making a business case for the existence of more ipv4 policy.
I'm sorry, I am still resolute. The final /8 policy as it stands does not need smaller assignments. There is no problem to solve.
> As for the prefix length, again it's not this proposal to introduce /24 delegation,
> the current APNIC assignment policy and the transfer policy allow /24 delegations,
> let alone to say, ARIN will be doing /28 minimum delegation in their final /8 and
> RIPE is proposing a /27 minimum delegation in their final /8.
Good for them (And I look forward to all the nanog posts about routing /28s and /27s). But do we need to? I think not.