Re: [sig-policy] Address Transfer Policy Proposal
Terence Zhang YH wrote:
What's the final version on re-application time limit? Is that 12
months with exceptional handling or until the "final /8" assignment
measures are implemented?
With exceptional handling in place, why don't we go with the
oringinal proposed time limit of 24 months?
I brought the 12 months into the equation. My reason was based on the
estimate of many that there is now less than two years before the
addresses run out and that includes the period when the "final /8"
policy will be in place.
By the time the policy can be agreed and implemented we may have only 18
months left!
More detailed arguments below:
For example, in April 2009 ARIN said in a letter to company chief
executives (
"At the current rate of consumption, IPv4 will be depleted within the
next two years."
This is based on information from
APNIC's web site says:
Delegations of Internet addresses highlight the following key trends:
* Currently more address space is being allocated in the Asia
Pacific region than any other region reflecting the rapid rate of
Internet development in this part of the world
* The rate of IPv4 consumption in South Asia has increased
significantly since 2006
* APNIC has experienced a 35 per cent growth in requests for IPv4
over the last two years
* The rate of IPv6 allocations has more than doubled since 2006
indicating an increased awareness of IPv4 free pool exhaustion.
and in Japan, Intec NetCore's IPv4 Exhaustion Counter shows a count of under
two years. (701 days at present)