Izumi Okutani wrote:
B: Any address that will be transfered must be held by the transfering party for at least 12 months, regardless of how the address was obtained.C: Terry's suggestionWhen a member disposes of address space using this transfer policy the member should not be entitled to any further IPv4 allocationsor assigments from APNIC for a period of 24 months or until the "final / 8" assignment measures are implemented. In exceptional circumstances a member can submit a comprehensive plan justifying an allocation. A substantial processing fee may be charged and a notice of application will be posted for at least 7 days on the APNIC website.
FYI, we've taken the vote counts to see preference of the community and the results were:------------------------------------------------------------------------Should Add some form of restrictions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ yes : 13
> no : 32
------------------------------------------------------------------------If there is to be a restriction, which option should be adopted? ------------------------------------------------------------------------option A (original prop-050) : 0
> option B (seiichi's suggestion) : 20 > option C (terry's suggestion) : 18
Thanks for posting this data - I wonder if the result would have been different if Option C had talked about 12 months instead of 24 months.
If we are to believe the IPv4 Exhaustion Counter at http://inetcore.com/project/ipv4ec/index_en.html we don't have 24 months to play with. That counter now estimates 703 days or ~= 23 months. Allow another 3 months to get this policy through if everyone agrees in Beijing and on the list and in the EC. Then allow another 1-2 months to get things up and working at APNIC and we've got more like 18 months and that includes the "final /8" period.
So lets discuss Option C with a much shorter restriction that 24 months please. I'd suggest 12 months at most.
I'd also be tempted to leave out mention of fees in this option - that's the job of the EC - not this group.