Re: [sig-policy] Prop 050(072) comments
On 23/03/2009 4:51, "Terence Zhang Yinghao" <zhangyinghao at cnnic dot cn> wrote:
> If we don't have policy to make the unofficial transfer valid,
> the investment & return on address trading will be less profitable
> and more risky, there for less attractive.
I've been trying to think through examples of unofficial markets for things
that are not allowed. Most of them seem to have higher prices than you would
see in a regulated, official market. Can you explain why you think people
would be willing to charge a lower price for something that was not allowed,
rather than charging a premium?
> I think right now the temptation for request more addresses is mainly
> for more convenience, not for stock and sell(transfer). The more addresses
> they have,
> the less time they have to think about sub-allocation and
> less frequent to make request from RIR.
You seem to have ignored the NIR's and the RIR's role in this. Do you not
have confidence in NIR's and RIR's abilities to correctly evaluate requests
that have been inflated?
Leo Vegoda