Re: [sig-policy] Prop 050(072) comments
Hello Philip
On 19/3/09 2:54 PM, Philip Smith wrote:
Hello Terence,
Out of interest, and this is a question for APNIC I haven't seen
directly asked before, how long would it take for the Secretariat to
implement a transfer policy, assuming a proposal like prop-050 is
The Secretariat has performed an initial analysis on the time it would
take to implement prop-050. We currently project that it would take six
months after EC endorsement to fully implement the proposal (software
changes, process changes, etc). However, the Secretariat is continuing
to analyse what would be needed to implement such a policy, so this
projected timeline is subject to change.
Anyway, if you can share what CNNIC and the CNNIC membership have been
discussing about the IPv4 run-out and transfer issue over the last 2
years, that'd be greatly appreciated by all and be really helpful for
ongoing discussion here. :-)
Samantha Dickinson email: sam at apnic dot net
Policy Development Manager, APNIC sip: sam at voip dot apnic dot net phone: +61 7 3858 3100