Re: [sig-policy] justification of recipient of the transfer policy
In my opinion, too many decisions are made at the end of meeting to just get something decided on, just because people want to get out the door. It is better to let it carry over to the next time people can meet... or do complicated/delicate issues first. These things need to be given the attention they deserve, not knee-jerked because people have a bus or beer-o-clock to get to.
Skeeve Stevens, CEO/Technical Director
eintellego Pty Ltd - The Networking Specialists
skeeve at eintellego dot net /
Phone: 1300 753 383, Fax: (+612) 8572 9954
Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 / skype://skeeve
NOC, NOC, who's there?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sig-policy-bounces at lists dot apnic dot net [mailto:sig-policy-
> bounces at lists dot apnic dot net] On Behalf Of Randy Bush
> Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2009 2:56 PM
> To: Ren-Hung Hwang
> Cc: sig-policy at lists dot apnic dot net
> Subject: Re: [sig-policy] justification of recipient of the transfer
> policy
> > I just wonder if anyone remember that we had a consensus on "address
> > requirement justification is required for the receipient of address
> > transfer until the free pool runs out and then not after". I did not
> > see it in the final version of prop-050.
> we had individual consensus on each of the points in the original
> agenda. but, when it came time to ask for consensus on the combined
> proposal as a whole, it was not supported. when asked, folk said it
> had
> become too complex. so we rather arbitrarily (the hour was getting
> late) removed the more complex pieces and tried to gain consensus on
> the
> whole without them. this succeeded.
> so now we see proposals of those individual pieces.
> randy
> * sig-policy: APNIC SIG on resource management policy
> *
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