Hi Scott,
Scott Leibrand said the following on 7/3/09 16:58:
Can anyone tell me what in this policy proposal would prevent an
organization from transferring address space, turning around and
requesting more space from APNIC, transferring that space, etc. etc.?
This seems like a loophole big enough to use to corner the IPv4 address
market, and drain both the APNIC and IANA free pools in a very short time.
We have the vigilance of the Secretariat as the safeguard right now.
Someone who applies for their address space needs sufficient for 12
months and then coming back one week later is going to look somewhat
suspicious, for example.
However, as I write this message, I'm drafting two new policy proposals
to augment prop-050, with the aim to reinstate the safeguards which were
in the proposal and agreed during the Policy SIG meeting, but dropped at
the end of the Policy SIG meeting so that consensus could be achieved.
Please watch this space...