Re: [sig-policy] Last Call for Comments on prop-050: IPv4 address transf
> revision of prop-050 until they can be addressed. Normally I refrain
> from comment on other RIRs' policies, but I believe this policy, if
> adopted as written, has the potential for serious negative effects
> outside of the APNIC region.
unlike the arin region, in a/p, folk are a bit more practical and less
rule obsessed (i find it refreshing that a meeting of the minds is often
seen as more important than a 50 page contract drawn up by lawyers who
have no idea of the actual job). i am not sure there is an inherent
belief that all loopholes could ever be plugged, so there may be less
incination to try do do so. and current policies do give the hostfolk
the leeway to deal with egregious behavior.