[sig-policy] Report on transfer proposal discussion at APNIC 27 Policy S
Dear SIG members
Below is a report of the elements of the transfer proposal that reached
consensus at APNIC 27. As noted in an earlier email today, these
elements will be released as prop-050-v004 for the final eight-week call
for comments.
History of transfer proposal discussion
- Three transfer proposals were sent to the APNIC Policy SIG
mailing list for consideration at APNIC 27.
- During the discussion on the mailing list before APNIC 27,
it had been noted that many elements in the three proposals
were very similar. It was suggested by a member of the community
that the key features of the proposals be discussed at the APNIC 27
Policy SIG, rather than each proposal individually. This
suggestion was supported by other members of the mailing list.
Mailing list discussion statistics:
Number of posts since APNIC 26: 71
(excluding administrative posts)
Number of people subscribed to mailing list: 407
- During the Policy SIG session today at APNIC 27, there was
consensus on seven individual key transfer features. These were
posted to the list earlier today. See:
APNIC Policy SIG discussion statistics:
Number of people commenting during the sessions: 62
(including Jabber comments read out during the SIG)
Number of people in the Jabber chat room: 87
Number of people onsite in Manila during Policy SIG: 130
- However, when the seven individual features were presented as a single
integrated proposal at the end of the day, there was not consensus.
Instead, consensus was reached on the following five elements:
"APNIC will process IPv4 address transfer requests involving
current account holders following the adoption of this proposed
policy, subject to the following conditions:
4.1 The minimum transfer size accepted will be a /24.
4.4 APNIC is to maintain a public log of all transfers.
4.5 Address transfers should be permitted between APNIC account
holders and NIR members, if and when individual NIRs implement
the transfer policy.
4.6 Address transfers are permitted between APNIC account holders
and other RIR account holders, following the policies of all
the respective RIRs.
4.7 This proposal to take effect as soon as the APNIC Secretariat
can implement the mechanisms of the policy."
The deleted elements that did not reach consensus were:
4.2 Use of address space
4.2.1 Until such a time when the prevailing APNIC IPv4
allocation practice uses the "final /8" policy [1],
the recipient of a transfer is to justify use of
transferred space using the allocation and
assignment policies in force at the time of the
4.2.2 After that time, no justification is needed.
4.3 Organizations disposing of their space using this transfer
policy are not eligible for APNIC IPv4 assignments and/or
allocations for two years.
[1] See section 9.10, "Policies for IPv4 address space management
in the Asia Pacific region"
Samantha Dickinson email: sam at apnic dot net
Policy Development Manager, APNIC sip: sam at voip dot apnic dot net
http://www.apnic.net phone: +61 7 3858 3100