[sig-policy] discussion summary: prop-060: Change in the criteria for th
prop-060: Change in the criteria for the recognition of NIRs in the
APNIC region
Dear SIG members
Below is a summary of discussions on the proposal to date. The proposal
author will not be presenting this proposal at APNIC 27; however, as it
is still an open proposal, it will remain on the agenda for a status
update. If you have any thoughts on the proposal, we encourage you to
post them to the mailing list before Thursday's Policy SIG.
Randy and Jian
Proposal summary
This is a proposal to update the criteria for recognizing new National
Internet Registries (NIRs) in the APNIC region.
The proposal was presented at APNIC 26, where, due to the late
submission of a significant revision of the proposal, the Policy SIG
participants felt unable to reach consensus on the proposal.
Following discussion during the APNIC 26 Policy SIG, the proposal was
returned to the author to be revised to address questions raised on the
mailing list prior to APNIC 26 and at the APNIC 26 Policy SIG.
Discussion statistics
Version 2 posted to Policy SIG mailing list: 28 August 2008
Number of posts since APNIC 26: 9
Number of people participating in discussions: 4
Summary of discussion to date
- There was concern expressed that the development of NIRs should
remain the decision of the APNIC Executive Council (EC), rather than
the membership in the country of the proposed NIR.
- It was clarified that the EC's role would not be lessened. Instead,
the voice of the members in the country of the potential NIR would
be included via a vote to guage whether there was support by the
community for the proposed NIR.
- It was suggested that there needed to be a set of checks and balances
to ensure that both the community and the relevant government bodies
in the economy of a proposed NIR have input to the creation of an NIR.
- There was concern expressed that, as written, the proposal would
allow a very small number of people to decide whether an NIR could
be created.
- It was explained that version 1 of the proposal suggested that
before an NIR could be established, a certain number of members
needed to be reached. However, this was taken out of version 2 in
response to comments that the proposal was too complicated.
Full details of the proposal, including links to previous discussions
of it, can be found at: