Re: [sig-policy] Timeline for implementing the transfer proposal
>>> pool runs out, or is this something quite independent?
>> given prop-062, when do you think the apnic pool will run out?
> I don't know :-)
sorry, i was being cruel. :)
< chair hat == off >
> Is this policy to be implemented after the standard APNIC pool(excluding
> prop-062 final /8 block) runs out?
> Or is it to be implemented immediately (= as in the standard PDF context)?
> what I'd like to understand is whether prop-067 intends to have timeline
> independent from exhaustion of APNIC's address pool.
i do not believe the authors considered the question, or at least not
deeply. i am not sure i have a strong opinion. but i am not sure what
delay gains, trading is happening now, and i want the records to be kept
well (cf your desire for knowing the history of a block).
but feel free to whack me with the clue bat.