On 17/02/2009, at 7:56 PM, Izumi Okutani wrote:
I think the idea is more like making sure not to purchase address spaceused by an ISP with bad reputation. Which is likely to be black listed/gets filtered.
perhaps a dinner discussion, but do you think that companies will have the luxury of making that decision?
Right. I like the expression "lemon prefix" - gives me a good visual image of what it's like to get one. thanks for feedback.
You're welcome, I think. The side-step to this is my doubt that the term will ever be applied. I really don't think that there will be any substantial difference in value between two equal sized prefixes from different sources. It a demand driven market, a buyer will purchase what ever they can get, and will do whatever it takes to make the prefix route-able and either pass on that cost to the consumer or absorb it.