Forwarded on behalf of the Address Supporting Organization, Address
Begin forwarded message:
From: Gerard Ross <gerard at apnic dot net>
Date: Tue Jun 24, 2003 5:28:29 PM Australia/Brisbane
To: aso-announce at aso dot icann dot org
Subject: [aso-announce] Call comments on draft ASO documents
The Address Supporting Organization (ASO) is pleased to call for public
comments on the following draft documents:
* Procedures for the election of AC Chair and Co-Chairs (draft)
- This draft document defines the role of ASO Address
Council (AC) Chairs and Co-Chairs describes the
process of electing individuals to serve in these
* ASO-AC ICANN Board Selection Procedures (draft)
- This draft document describes the procedures and
criteria the AC should adopt in selecting individuals
to serve on the ICANN Board of Directors
If you have any comments or questions on any of these documents, please
direct them to the aso-policy mailing list. For subscription details,
please refer to: