[Apnic-announce] Official response to APNIC Survey
In August 2006 the APNIC Executive Council commissioned the fourth formal survey
of APNIC Members and Stakeholders, from international consulting firm KPMG. The
survey results were received in February 2007, and presented to the APNIC Annual
Members Meeting in Bali on 2 March. The formal survey reports were also made
available on the APNIC website, at:
The APNIC EC has now had time to consider the results of the latest Survey, and
wishes to thank Dr John Earls of KPMG for his work on this important project.
It was particularly good to see the large turnout for the survey (316 responses
from 34 economies), and the wide range of comments and suggestions submitted.
Again, the anonymity ensured by the survey method seemed to promote frank and
genuine feedback, of both the positive and negative kinds.
An important step prior to this survey was to review the results of the past 3
surveys. Dr Earls undertook this review in 2006, and concluded that 90% of all
items from those surveys have been actioned by the APNIC Secretariat. That
figure included 39% described as "actioned and completed", and 51% involving
ongoing work. The EC is satisfied with this assessment and provides this
response to the latest survey in the confidence that actions required will be
undertaken by the APNIC Secretariat.
The fourth survey was again composed of several parts: assessment of APNIC
services and activities; allocation of APNIC resources to future activities;
registration of interest in future, more detailed surveys; and general comments.
The report from KPMG provides a very comprehensive description of the survey
response, including summary and detailed statistical information, and additional
comments received. These documents are recommended reading for anyone with an
interest in APNIC.
In reviewing the survey results, the APNIC EC notes a number of issues of
importance which are regarded as needing improvement, or as priorities for
resource allocation. These issues include the ongoing streamlining of
administrative and request processes within APNIC, the clarity and accessibility
of procedures and policies, and accessibility of APNIC meetings and training.
The EC will work with the Secretariat to ensure that these issues are
prioritized in future planning.
In reviewing the additional analysis provided by KPMG, the EC also notes some
interesting trends in the survey results according to membership category,
duration and economy. From those breakdowns, it is clear that general
satisfaction with APNIC increases for larger members and those with a longer
membership relationship; which would seem to indicate that smaller members, and
those in developing countries, should be given more attention in terms of
membership induction, training and support services. Also, it seems that in
areas related to cost of membership and participation, larger members have a
markedly more positive view, and smaller members a more negative view. This
trend in particular should inform the current process of revising the APNIC fee
Considered in whole, the survey result reveals a range of issues and concerns
which are clearly important to APNIC members and stakeholders. While some can be
addressed reasonably easily, others are more complex and require further
consideration before deciding on the best approach, let alone implementing it.
In any case, the APNIC EC will refer to these results often in future
discussions and decisions, as will the APNIC Secretariat. We hope that APNIC
member and others with an interest in APNIC will do the same.
Finally we would like to sincerely thank all of those who took part in the
fourth APNIC member survey, for the time and effort involved, and for your
ongoing support of APNIC.
With best regards,
MAEMURA Akinori,