[Apnic-announce] APNIC EC election - online voting closes 28/02/2007
This is the final reminder that online voting for the APNIC Executive
Council election closes soon. The details for online voting are:
where: https://my.apnic.net/voting
deadline: 9:00am UTC+8 (Bali time) on Wednesday 28 February 2007
who: Only registered voting contacts may vote online
The deadline for registering proxy votes is also approaching. All
proxy forms must be faxed to +61-7-3858-3199 before 7:00am UTC+8
(Bali) time on Wednesday 28 February 2007.
Profiles of the candidates nominated for this election, along with
voting information are at:
If you have any questions, please contact APNIC Secretariat at
helpdesk at apnic dot net.
APNIC Secretariat email: secretariat at apnic dot net
http://www.apnic.net sip: info at voip dot apnic dot net
phone: +61 7 3858 3100
See you at APNIC 23! Bali, Indonesia, 26 February-2 March 2007