[Apnic-announce] APNIC 20 update #2
APNIC 20 update #2
20th APNIC Open Policy Meeting
6-9 September 2005
Hanoi, Vietnam
Dear APNIC members and friends,
It is our pleasure to invite you to attend APNIC's 20th Open Policy
Meeting. The meeting is open to anyone with an interest in the
Internet in the Asia Pacific region. It will be hosted by VNNIC
(Vietnam Network Information Centre) at the Melia Hanoi Hotel, Hanoi,
Vietnam, from 6-9 September 2005.
1. Meeting registration
2. Meeting programme
3. Fellowship programme
4. Meeting sponsorship
5. Accommodation
1. Meeting registration
Registration is now open. To take advantage of early bird discount,
please register by Friday 22 July 2005. The online registration form
is available at:
2. Meeting programme
APNIC meetings are a major forum for discussing technology and policy
issues relevant to the Asia Pacific Internet community. The programme
will include tutorials, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Birds of a
Feather sessions (BoFs), hostmaster consultations, the APNIC Member
Meeting (AMM), and social events. A draft programme is available at:
A draft agenda for the AMM on Friday 9 September 2005 is also
available at:
3. Fellowship programme
The APNIC 20 fellowship programme has been offered to allow members of
the Internet community in the developing economies of the Asia Pacific
region to attend the meeeting. Details of the programme and an
application form are available at:
4. Meeting sponsorship
Some sponsorship opportunities are still available. In return for
their support, sponsors will be presented with valuable opportunities
to expose their organisations, products, and services to an
international audience of Internet leaders. Details of sponsorship
options are available in the sponsorship package at:
Prospective sponsors are encouraged to send expressions of interest
as soon as possible to the APNIC Secretariat at <meetings at apnic dot net>.
5. Accommodation
APNIC has arranged block hotel bookings, providing special discount
rates for meeting delegates at Melia Hanoi and nearby hotels. Please
make reservation as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. All
enquiries about hotel reservations should be made directly to the
hotels. The accommodation information and reservation details are
available at:
There is some visitor information, including local information,
transportation, and visa requirements at:
If you have any questions or suggestions about APNIC 20, please email
us at <meetings at apnic dot net>
We look forward to seeing you in Hanoi.
Best regards,
APNIC Secretariat <secretariat at apnic dot net>
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) Tel: +61-7-3858-3100
PO Box 2131 Milton, QLD 4064 Australia Fax: +61-7-3858-3199
Level 1, 33 Park Road, Milton, QLD http://www.apnic.net