[apnic-announce] CALL for SIG CO-CHAIRs
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Dear Colleagues,
APNIC seeks volunteers to serve as co-chairs for Special Interest Groups
(SIGs). Co-chairs will assist the SIG Chairs in several ways, including:
- chairing the SIG session,
- developing the agenda,
- posting proposals and information about the SIG to the SIG mailing list.
If you are interested in becoming a co-chair, please email the appropriate
chair and copy your email to <sig at apnic dot net> :
* Address Policy SIG <sig-policy-chair at apnic dot net>
* DNS Operations SIG <sig-dns-chair at apnic dot net>
* Routing SIG <sig-routing-chair at apnic dot net>
* IX SIG <sig-ix-chair at apnic dot net>
* IPv6 Technical SIG <sig-ipv6-chair at apnic dot net>
* Database SIG <sig-db-chair at apnic dot net>
Please include a brief description of your interest and suitability.
If there are many volunteers there will be elections at the next SIG
sessions to choose the new co-chairs.
All SIG chairs and co-chairs undertake this work on a volunteer basis.
APNIC speaks on behalf of the community in being very appreciative
of the work done by the chairs and co-chairs.
Kind regards,
Anne Lord, Manager, Policy Liaison <anne at apnic dot net>
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre phone: +61 7 3858 3100
http://www.apnic.net fax: +61 7 3858 3199
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