[apnic-announce] APNIC 13 Open Policy Meeting - Update Bulletin #1
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[Apologies for duplicates]
Dear APNIC members and friends,
It is my pleasure to invite you to attend APNIC's 13th Open Policy Meeting,
being held in conjunction with APRICOT 2002 from 3 to 7 March 2002 in
Bangkok, Thailand.
APNIC is working very closely with the APRICOT organisers to deliver a
first-class programme of conference and training sessions. As usual, APNIC
will organise one of the tutorial and conference tracks at APRICOT 2002,
including APNIC training, RPSL and Reverse DNS tutorials, Special Interest
Groups (SIGs) and the APNIC Member Meeting, which will be held on Thursday 7
APRICOT 2002 will attract a wide range of delegates from the Asia Pacific
region and the rest of the world. Some of the world’s leading thinkers on
Internet issues will speak at APRICOT 2002. The programme consists of
pre-conference workshops (27 February - 2 March), tutorials (3 - 4 March)
and the conference (5 - 6 March).
Note that APNIC Members receive a 25 percent discount on all tutorial and
conference sessions at APRICOT 2002.
Highlights of the Open Policy Meeting are provided below but further details
can be obtained from our meeting home page at:
Full details of APRICOT 2002, including the programme, registration and
accommodation information are available on the APRICOT website at:
1. Registration now open
2. Call for sponsors
3. Programme highlights
4. Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
5. Nominations for Executive Council
6. Hostmaster sessions
Registration for APNIC 13 sessions, including the APNIC Member Meeting
(AMM), or any of the APRICOT 2002 sessions, can now be made at the APRICOT
2002 registration site:
To receive the 25% discount rate available to APNIC Members choose the
“APNIC Member” option on the opening menu and supply your APNIC account
name. If you do not know you account name email us at <meetings at apnic dot net>.
If you wish to attend the AMM please check this option on the “Agenda Item
Selection Window”. The AMM is free for APNIC members. A registration fee of
US$50 will apply to non-members which will be payable at the APNIC
registration desk on site.
If you have any problems with the meeting registration process, please
contact us by email to <meetings at apnic dot net>.
Once again, APNIC is seeking sponsors for the Open Policy Meeting. A range
of options is available. Sponsorships provide an opportunity for you to
support this important event, and promote your organisation within a strong
community of Internet engineers and managers. Details of the sponsorship
packages and benefits are available at:
Sponsorships are allocated on first-come first-served basis, so I'd urge you
to provide an expression of interest at the earliest possible date.
Sunday 3 March 2002
APNIC Training
Monday 4 March 2002
RPSL and DNS Security tutorials
Open NIR meeting
Tuesday 5 March 2002
Database, IPv6 (Technical), Routing,
Reverse DNS and IX SIGs
ASO General Assembly
Wednesday 6 March 2002
Address Policy SIG
Thursday 6 March 2002
APNIC Member Meeting
Full details of the programme can be accessed at:
APNIC 13 will include a range of Special Interest Group sessions (SIGs),
such as Database, IPv6, Routing, Reverse DNS and Address Policy. For the
first time a new SIG on Internet eXchange (IX) Points will also be held.
Following the ‘Call for Proposals' made in December, the draft SIG
programmes have been prepared by the SIG chairs and can be accessed at:
If you would like to comment on the draft SIG programmes please email the
respective SIG chair with a copy to <sig at apnic dot net>.
APNIC is calling for nominations of individuals from the Asia Pacific region
to fill three positions on the Executive Council. The selection process will
involve an open election to be held during the APNIC Open Policy Meeting, in
Bangkok. Nominations must be submitted to APNIC by the close of business,
Thursday 21 February 2002. Full details are available at:
Members will be able to meet with APNIC hostmaster staff during the meeting
to discuss resource request and registration issues. The Hostmaster
consultation session timetable will be published on the APNIC meeting web
site in due course. Pre-registration for these sessions will also be
If you have any questions or suggestions about the Open Policy Meeting,
please contact us by email to <meetings at apnic dot net>.
I look forward to seeing you in Bangkok!
Best regards,
Paul Wilson,
Director General
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