[apnic-announce] Updated GSM Association address guidelines document
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Updated GSM Association address guidelines document
The GSM Association has released an updated version of the document
"Guidelines for IPv4 Addressing and AS Numbering for GPRS Network
Infrastructure and Mobile Terminals".
The document is intended to provide guidelines for requesting IPv4 addresses
and Autonomous System Numbers (ASN) for use in GPRS networks, using
procedures that are aligned with the Internet Registry System and the GSM
Association (GSMA).
The GSM seeks input from the RIR communities on the content of this
document, previous versions of which have been presented by the GSM
Association at recent RIR meetings.
The current draft is available at:
More details about the activities of the GSM Association are available at:
APNIC Secretariat <secretariat at apnic dot net>
Tel: +61-7-3367-0490
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) Ltd Fax: +61-7-3367-0482
Level 1, 33 Park Road, PO Box 2131, Milton, QLD 4064, Australia
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