[apnic-announce] New APNIC membership structure and policies implemented
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Dear Colleague
APNIC has completed the implementation of policy decisions agreed to at the
12th Open Policy Meeting held in Taipei during August 2001. A new fee
schedule, reflecting the revised membership structure, is now in place and
amendments to documents affected, including the IPv4 address request form,
have been made.
The revised membership structure provides 3 new membership categories:
- Associate, for members not holding IP address resources;
- Very Small, for members holding up to a /22 of IPv4 address space; and
- Extra Large, for members holding more than a /10 of IPv4 space.
With this change, the number of APNIC membership categories has increased to
seven from the previous level of four (Small, Medium, Large and Very Large).
The revised membership structure will apply to new members joining APNIC
from 1 December 2001 and will be applied progressively to membership
renewals as they occur from 1 March 2002 onwards. Details of the new
membership and fee structure are available at:
A series of policy proposals were discussed at the Open Policy Meeting.
Proposals establishing criteria for initial portable allocations of IPv4
address space and amending policies relating to address allocations for
cable and xDSL networks were accepted at the Open Policy Meeting. New
policies were also approved for:
- Small multihoming assignments; and
- /24 IPv4 address space assignments for Internet exchange
(IX) points.
Consensus was reached on new IPv6 address policy principles at the meeting
but further discussion of the minimum allocation size and development of the
policy were called for. Decisions were also reached on the following IPv6
address policies:
- Extension of the bootstrap policy until the next IPv6
policy is implemented so long as the new policy takes
account of bootstrapping needs, and
- /64 Ipv6 address space assignments for Internet
exchanges (IX) points.
A full summary of the policy decisions is available at:
The policy changes necessitated the creation or revision of a number of
documents and forms. The APNIC Secretariat has implemented the policy
decisions and most of the new and revised documents are now available for
use on the APNIC website.
APNIC IPv4 ISP request form (online and text)
Multihoming assignment request form (text)
IXP assignment request form (text)
Member and non-member application forms
Membership agreement
Fee schedule
APNIC definition document
APNIC document review policies and procedure
Revisions to APNIC-076 (Policies for address space management in the Asia
Pacific region) are currently being made and will be published with a new
document, 'The Evaluation guidelines document' by 14 December 2001.
Further updates will be sent as other document changes occur.
Best regards
APNIC Secretariat
APNIC Secretariat <secretariat at apnic dot net>
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) Tel: +61-7-3367-0490
PO Box 2131 Milton, QLD 4064 Australia Fax: +61-7-3367-0482
Level 1,33 Park Road, Milton, QLD http://www.apnic.net
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