On Aug 29, 2011, at 10:35 PM, Dean Pemberton wrote:

   (a) Contiguous address block allocation is not ensured by APNIC when
       an organization goes back to APNIC for further allocation
       (reapplying after more than one year)

I support addressing this potential problem -- e.g. through propositions 98 or 99.

I agree with this point.  I believe that with little to no changes, prop-98 and/or prop-99 will provide most of the benefit that the proposer of prop-100 is seeking.

From the feedback on the list so far, I would advise that the proposer take a look at these other proposals and determine if they fulfil his requirements.  It may be the case that through small changes, these other proposals (which have received less negative feedback) could satisfy the requirements equally well.

As the author of Proposal 98, if there is a way it can be tweaked to better meet this need
as well, I would be very open to discussing with the author. He is welcome to find me
today after the meeting and/or at the social if he would like.

I'm wearing a dark blue Hurricane Electric polo shirt and I look like this guy: